Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April news

Dear Friends,

Thank you for all the messages of consolation & advice for being a Cheetah fan this season... 

We have very special news! Stefan (7) committed his life to the Lord after watching the movie Ben Hur – it was such a special moment! Don't we all live for moments like these?

Last time we mentioned that All Nations moved into our new building called Africa House here in Noordhoek. Africa House will serve as our base, a training centre & provide accommodation for teams & volunteers reaching Africa for Jesus. You'll find attached a few photos of it...

Lecture phase of CPx is almost finished and the students are busy getting ready for the outreach phase of 2 months to 7 different locations throughout Southern Africa. Would you pray with us that this time will be blessed by God and produce disciples that will disciple others!

May you be encouraged as I am by the following words from Oswald Chambers: 'The vision that God gives is not some unattainable castle in the sky, but a vision of what God wants you to be down here. Allow the Potter to put you on His wheel and whirl you around as He desires.'

Because of Him

Nelis, Inesa, Tanya & Stefan

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