Monday, February 2, 2009

New Property and T4T

Hello friends,

In the early weeks of this new-year we are rejoicing for new beginnings.

For over a year we have been praying and dreaming about a piece of land whose builders seemed to have us in mind as they built the facility. Since arriving in Cape Town the dream of making disciples who make disciples has been on all of our hearts, and the vision of seeing the lost find their Savior has continued to be at the heart of everything we do.

Last Sunday saw a culmination of all of those things, and we were overwhelmed with joy.

One hundred and twenty of us sat in the living room space of the Africa House (our new property), 70% of us were black leaders from the townships and surrounding communities. We all had one thing on our hearts. To share the good news of Jesus with others, who in turn go and tell others also.

He sat straight up in his chair, listening intently, realizing that he was not the only one whose life had been radically transformed in the past few months. It slowly began to dawn on him that all the people around him had also discovered the incredible life in Jesus, and also wanted to share it with their friends. He listened intently as a tall fatherly man, beaming with anticipation, explained how he could not only tell others about Jesus, but how he could raise them up to bring others to Jesus as well. Arlie is a new man, it shows in his face, and it shows as he leads others to Jesus.
Beside him, sprinkled through the crowd, were brand new believers who had asked to be baptized, ones we had prayed for and visited and shared with. They listened to others like themselves as we prayed with all our hearts for God to raise up more workers for Africa.

The building we sat in was pronounced ours only the day before, and it held us beautifully. The walls were still covered with the previous owners things, as we sang with delight at the miracle God had done in allowing us to be there. After many creative demonstrations of what this Jesus movement is and how it can spread, we all gathered in the garden for lunch. The grounds are so peaceful and secure, it was such a treat to be there together.

The end of the day found us all at the beach to witness baptisms of 12 of our new friends.
We celebrated with the waves and the sky and the angels for the new life springing up
around us.

What a blessing to be a part of bringing His kingdom to Africa, and to see the stirrings of it breaking out to places farther than we can even imagine!

A new building, new leaders, and new believers. What a blessing!

Thank you for all your prayers and support, and for being a part of what God is doing here.

Much love,
from the All Nations family in Cape Town

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