Thursday, July 17, 2008

June Newsletter

Dear Friends,

We trust you are all doing well and are enjoying cosy fireplaces on this side of the world and lovely sunshine on the other side. =O)

Below we describe little fractions of what the Lord is doing, if you would like to read more, please go to our blog (there are some nice family photos there also)

We’ve had a few eventful weeks in the van Rooyen household – the move to our lovely new home, Nelis’ birthday that was closely followed by Stefan’s birthday. They both had lots of fun & enjoyed their special days, sharing them with friends and family.

We want to thank all of you who were praying for Nelis’ brother, he is doing better and it looks like he might be able to regain vision in his eye. (He was violently assaulted a few weeks ago) Please keep him in your prayers.

Masi - xenophobia impacted this community recently. All Nations offered to house & feed those refugees we have relationship with. This was a wonderful opportunity to show practical love & care. We had great times of sharing, worship & laughter! We believe something wonderful was birthed by God as we shared life with our brothers & sisters in need.

Two weeks ago I (Nelis) visited the Bo-Kaap (central Cape Town) where one of our teams is working. As we were serving soup to the refugees on the street the words of John, a Zimbabwean, touched my heart deeply. He said to me: “I’m so tired, my own country does not want me, people in South Africa do not want me here – where can I go where I’ll belong? I just want to look after my family.”

There are no easy answers – what we DO know is that Jesus is worthy of our lives and we can trust Him to bring life, hope and change as we all follow and obey Him. He is our motivation!

With all our love,
Nelis, Inesa, Tanya & Stefan.

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